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Apache Junction Molestation of a Child Lawyer

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Apache Junction Molestation of a Child Attorney

Molestation of a child is one of the most serious charges that individuals can face in Arizona. Since prosecutors and judges have zero tolerance for this offense, the resulting penalties are some of the most severe in the country. If you have been charged with such a crime, an Apache Junction molestation of a child lawyer from Grand Canyon Law Group can provide you with 24/7 assistance to defend your reputation, rights, and freedom.

At Grand Canyon Law Group, our empathetic team of attorneys understands the gravity of these charges. An Apache Junction criminal defense lawyer from our firm can defend your interests and challenge the prosecution’s evidence against you. Our attorneys are deeply aware of local rules, regulations, and processes, as well as the tactics leveraged by prosecutors. We can use this understanding to launch a successful defense on your behalf.

What You Need to Know About Charges for Molesting a Child?

Molestation of a child is defined under Arizona Revised Statutes 13-1410 as knowing or intentional engagement in sexual contact with a child under the age of 15. It can also involve causing a child under the age of 15 to engage in sexual conduct. The sexual activity in this crime excludes contact with the genitals, as that would be associated with other charges, like sexual conduct with a minor.

In the law, sexual conduct is broadly defined, but it generally involves any type of touching for the purpose of sexual gratification or arousal. Therefore, the accused does not even need to have direct physical contact to be convicted. Molestation of a child is typically classified as a Class 2 felony, and it is also categorized as a Dangerous Crime Against Children.

Due to the serious nature of these crimes, a first-time offense can result in a mandatory minimum sentence in prison, which can last for many years. Instances involving aggravating factors or repeat offenses can lead to extended prison time and even life sentences. Furthermore, anyone who is convicted of this offense will be required to register as a sex offender, which can significantly impact housing, professional, and educational opportunities.

How to Defend Against Molestation of a Child Charges

If you’re facing charges for molestation of a child in Apache Junction, it’s crucial to keep in mind that a conviction is not inevitable. An experienced Apache Junction criminal defense attorney can deeply scrutinize your case details to build a robust defense strategy. They may leverage common defenses like mistaken identity, lack of intent, lack of evidence, and/or false allegations, fighting to get your charges reduced or even dismissed.

Get the Strong Legal Representation You Deserve Today

When facing devastating child molestation charges, you do not have to endure the situation alone. An experienced Apache Junction criminal defense lawyer from Grand Canyon Law Group can work to understand the details of your case, defend your rights, and formulate a comprehensive defense. Together, we can push for positive case outcomes, thereby safeguarding your reputation and future. Contact us today to get started.

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