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Apache Junction Sexual Conduct With a Minor Lawyer

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Apache Junction Sexual Conduct With a Minor Attorney

One of the most severe criminal charges you can face in Arizona is being accused of sexual conduct with a minor. Such allegations alone can lead to life-altering legal, professional, and social consequences, such as mandatory sex offender registration, significant time in prison, and a criminal record. If you or a loved one is facing such charges, an Apache Junction sexual conduct with a minor lawyer from Grand Canyon Law Group can advocate for you.

At Grand Canyon Law Group, our loyal group of attorneys has significant experience working as Arizona prosecutors. This background has given us unique insights into the strategies and tactics used by the state to charge and convict you of such crimes. An Apache Junction criminal defense lawyer from our firm can leverage this understanding of the prosecution’s tactics, in addition to their knowledge of local laws and procedures, to champion your case.

What You Need to Know About Sexual Conduct With a Minor Charges in Arizona?

Sexual conduct with a minor is a severe crime defined under Arizona Revised Statutes 13-1405. It involves the intentional or knowing involvement in oral sexual contact or sexual intercourse with an individual under 18. No distinction is made for consent under the law. Even if the minor consensually engaged in the act, this is not recognized under the law because individuals under 18 cannot legally consent to sexual acts in Arizona.

The severity of sexual conduct with a minor charges depends on the age of the minor in question. If the victim is 15 to 17 years old, this is typically classified as a Class 6 felony, with the potential for aggravating circumstances to elevate the charges. This crime can lead to fines, probation, and a prison sentence.

If the victim of the crime was under the age of 15, this is typically classified as a Class 2 felony, with a mandatory prison sentence of up to life. As these charges do not come with the possibility of early release, parole, or probation, it’s crucial to work with an aggressive and experienced attorney who can successfully defend you against your charges in Apache Junction, AZ.

An Apache Junction Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You Fight Back

If you’ve been charged with sexual conduct with a minor, a skilled attorney can help you fight back by formulating a solid defense strategy for you. Common defenses include:

  • Arguing false allegations
  • Lack of knowledge of the minor’s age
  • Mistaken identity
  • Showing inconsistencies or gaps in the prosecution’s evidence

Furthermore, they could apply Arizona’s “Romeo and Juliet” laws if the age difference between you and the alleged victim is small.

From gathering crucial evidence to support your side of the story to advocating fiercely on your behalf in court, we are prepared to fight for a favorable case resolution.

Reach Out to an Empathetic Apache Junction Sexual Conduct With a Minor Lawyer Today

The consequences of sexual conduct with a minor charges can be devastating. However, by working with the right legal representation, you can successfully defend against your charges and work toward a favorable outcome.

An experienced Apache Junction criminal defense lawyer from Grand Canyon Law Group is eager to work with you, explain your rights, and build a strong defense during this challenging time. Contact us today to get started.

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