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Glendale Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Glendale Criminal Defense Attorney

Being charged with a crime can be emotionally taxing. You could be facing prison time, fines, lost rights, and irreparable damage to your reputation. Fortunately, you have options to defend your rights and your way of life. A Glendale criminal defense lawyer can provide you with insight into the laws and criminal procedure, possibly helping mitigate or overcome the charges against you altogether.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a criminal offense, do not panic. A skilled attorney at Grand Canyon Law Group can build a strong defense on your behalf and take care of your case the right way. Schedule a consultation to get started.


In all states, including Arizona, there are two overarching categories for crimes: misdemeanors and felonies. Each is further divided into classes, which are distinguished from each other primarily based on the severity of the alleged crime. There are three classes of misdemeanors and six classes of felonies, with Class 1 being the most severe for both types of charges.

Felony charges have more severe punishments, involving jail time of a year or more. However, misdemeanors can still have relatively lengthy sentences. For example, a Class 1 misdemeanor can land a convicted party in jail for up to six months.

Furthermore, criminal charges can carry expensive fines levied by the court. Under Arizona Revised Statutes § 13-801, felonies may carry fines up to $150,000. Fines combined with jail or prison time can become exceedingly burdensome for convicted parties due to potential difficulty in rejoining the workforce. A dedicated Glendale attorney can work to mitigate the possible penalties associated with criminal charges through the construction of a robust defense.


In a criminal case, the State has the burden of proof. A strong defense can establish the state failed to prove the defendant was guilty of the crimes they are charged with.

Criminal charges require the state to meet the highest burden of proof. The state must show guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.” The reasonable doubt standard means that lapses in the state’s arguments, evidence, and witness testimony can play vital roles in confronting the charges levied against an accused party.

If the state cannot provide sufficient evidence and the jury has merely a shadow of doubt, acquittal is likely. Grand Canyon Law Group staffs Glendale defense attorneys who are experts at creating this doubt.


A successful defense requires the correct combination of circumstances, evidence, working knowledge of the law, and criminal procedure. A Glendale criminal defense lawyer understands how to analyze the fact patterns of your case and choose a strategy suited to your unique needs.

Do not wait to seek legal counsel for your criminal case. At Grand Canyon Law Group, we are ready to get started building your case and working to ensure your side of the story is heard. We have defended hundreds of cases like yours, and we know how to get it done the right way. Call today to discuss your case with a dedicated legal professional.

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